Sunday, August 16, 2009

Getting My Om On

Yoga has been a part of my life since September, 2002. There have been times that I've been extremely dedicated - taking multiple classes a week and practicing on my own. There have also been 6-9 month hiatuses. I'm happy to report that I'm back on track and have found a great class that I really enjoy on Sunday afternoons. Typically, I like Sundays to be relaxing and restful - a time to get in the right mindset for another week of work. That is exactly what yoga does for me, it is such a stress reliever. It allows me to decompress and refocus my energy on what is important. Not only is the class fantastic, I can't beat the price. The 9 week package I purchased averages out to $5.00 a class! I'll gladly pay that to get my Om on.

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