Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Who Knew?!?!

I'm a big fan of caffeine. I've been known to get my day started with a can of soda or lately a cup or two of coffee. Mountain Dew has always been a good friend of mine because he's a bit higher in caffeine than some of his cola buddy's. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the picture above depicts the same Mountain Dew packaging as in the States (minus the French on the box and milliliters instead of ounces). I bought the about pictured 12 pack of The Dew during a recent trip to the grocery store. You can imagine my surprise when I was closely reading the can (yes Dad, I need to get a life) and it reads "CAFFEINE FREE BEVERAGE, BOISSON SAN CAFEINE"!

What?!?!? They can just take the caffeine out and not put it on the package! I'm totally blown away by this. I did a bit of research on the matter and found this website regarding the matter. It states that Mountain Dew with caffeine is a US thing! Good news if you're concerned, it actually tastes exactly the same as regular Dew...shocking really since I never think any diet or caffeine free drinks tastes the same as the original.

1 comment:

Dad said...

What are you going to "Dew" next??