Thursday, November 15, 2007

Got Bags?

I'm going to do my best to educate you on some of the differences of living in Maritime Canada while I'm here. I realize that this phenomenon is found throughout Canada, but I feel it is worth discussing because it is pretty crazy. Milk comes in a bag!

You do have the option to purchase it in a 4Liter (around a gallon) plastic container, but it's more affordable to purchase it by the bag and put it in your own recyclable container. Smart really, but it creeps me out a bit. Check out this website to learn more about the Canadian milk bag.

Speaking of recycling, lets talk garbage for a minute. I've never had so much stress regarding trash in my life. I've always purchased either white or black garbage bags and thrown whatever I want in them. WRONG! At least in these parts. We learned that the garbage men will not pick up your trash unless it is separated into Green ("wet" waste) and Blue ("dry" waste) transparent bags.

Our landlord handed us an 8x11 laminated card that is a guide to what garbage goes in what bag. Basically the green "wet" bags are for anything that is not recyclable or items that could contaminate the recyclables. Everything else goes in the blue "dry" bag to be recycled. Good to know they're enviormentally friendly. You can go to this website if you want to read more about our garbage.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Ok, Heather... There is way too much stress going on in your life... recycling..... Good luck with your wet and dry items.