For the past few months Ray and I have had several physical ailments. I've had a constant headache which I go to bed with and wake up with every morning (along with a chronic sore throat). Many mornings I complain of body aches and sometimes feel almost paralyzed when trying to get out of bed. Also, I feel fatigued, have low energy and my body aches to the touch nearly every day. Ray also has frequent headaches, sore throats in the morning and general body aches.
That brings us to yesterday. We hired a woman to come clean our place. She called me last night to see if I thought everything looked good. She mentioned that she had found quite a bit of mold growing on the window sill in our bedroom. She was quite concerned because breathing it could be fatal. She also said that she didn't check the windows in the other rooms and that we should check them out. I really didn't think too much of it...that was until I went downstairs and saw the field of mold growing on the window sills in the two other rooms. If this woman hadn't come to clean I'm sure the problem would've gotten much, much worse. Because the snow is up higher than the basement windows there's no reason that I would pull the mini-blinds up. I guess everything happens for a reason - I'm so glad that I answered the add in the paper for this cleaning lady.
It's crazy to me that mold was growing here; this is a brand new duplex and we're the first people to live here. The builder of the house (our landlord) lives right down the street and stopped by this morning to check it out. He said that there was too much humidity in the air and said that the exchange valve was set wrong - I still have no clue what he said but apparently what he did should remedy the moisture problem. He probably thinks we're stupid Americans for not knowing this stuff.
I did some research on the internet today and found out how dangerous mold is. There were many warning about cleaning it up as well. I stopped on the way home to get gloves, face mask, safety glasses and mold cleaning solution. Ray is THE MAN for stepping up and cleaning the mold when he got home.
1 comment:
Heather, we understand the mold issue. When we lived at Ft. Polk in military housing, Nick used to get high fevers of 103+ and had problems breathing. The doctors would put him on antibiotics and the symptoms would go away for a few weeks and then we would be back in the emergency room with high temps again. This happened for the 4 years that we were there. At the time, we didn't know that the black stuff we kept cleaning from the air vents was mold. It turns out the AC unit, which ran on water, was causing the mold. After we moved to Tennessee, Nick was fine and went 7 years at school with perfect attendance and wasn't sick at all. Hopefully your problem will be solved or you guys might have to move too.
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