Sunday, May 6, 2012

Go Bananas

Bananas are probably my all-time favorite fruit.  To me, perfect bananas look like the picture above.  Not too big, not too small, bright yellow with a hint of green, almost on the under-ripe side and very firm.  If every banana stayed like this, I'd eat two of them every single day...I've seen me do it.  The problem is that they ripen way too quickly and that seriously drives me bananas.  I'll get a perfect bunch at the store on a Sunday and by Wednesday they're too ripe and I want nothing to do with them.  I can't stand when they get mushy, start to get those nasty brown spots or begin to bruise.  Why isn't there was a way, short of hitting the store every other day, to have a perfectly ripe banana whenever I want one?  The one and only plus of having bananas that are too ripe is that they make for really great banana bread...another favorite of mine.  So I guess in the grand scheme of things, having over-ripe bananas isn't the worst thing in the world.

Yuck, Yuck!  Who can eat a banana that looks like this???? Not me!


Stephanie said...

I've heard separating them when you get them home gives them a longer life and keep them away from apples. Apples help fruit ripen faster.

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Heather said...

Thanks for the tip, Stephanie! I'm going to try that next time. I had no idea that apples help other fruit ripen faster. I love learning new cool facts!