Sunday, December 13, 2009

I Can See Clearly Now!!!

After more than 17 years of wearing contact lenses and glasses, I gave myself the gift of sight this year for Christmas! I had LASIK corrective eye surgery this past Friday afternoon and the result has me absolutely dazzled. My favorite game this weekend has been testing my vision. The follow-up doctor appointment yesterday morning confirmed that indeed it worked...I'm already seeing better than 20/20 in each eye! Modern medicine and technology is truly amazing.

The photo above was taken moments after the procedure was completed when I was pumped full of Valium. I had kind of a strange reaction to the medication. It is supposed to really calm you down and mellow you out to create a state of relaxation prior to the procedure - it had quite the opposite effect on me. It really got me jacked up and anxious. I also don't think the local numbing pain drops that they used on my eyes worked very well on me either because I basically felt the entire procedure. I'm told that this is not a normal reaction as most people feel no pain or discomfort whatsoever. Regardless, looking back now it was 100 percent worth the discomfort to be able to see. I would do it again in a heartbeat and strongly encourage LASIK to anyone who is dependent on glasses or contacts.


Stephanie said...

I'm sorry if you had any pain...the picture is priceless.

Suzanne Green said...

I love the picture. Isn't that your normal look on your face though??? ahhhhhaaaa Hope you're pain free and glasses/contact free for a long time!

cousin mel said...

I'm thinking about Lasik in the near future. Lots of people have had it, but I don't seem to know any! Nice to read that you're doing fine with it so far. Give an update when you can.

Joao said...

Hello, nice blog!
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