Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Word of the Day

Ridonkulous. Definition = greater than ridiculous or stupidity mixed with ridiculousness (created and defined by Ray). Every time I would say that something is "ridiculous", Ray would say "ridonkulous" (sometimes singing the word opera style) and it has really caught on with me. Here are a couple examples of when to use the term ridonkulous: The fact that I've been here in Canada for 2 months and just got approval today to bring my car here (FINALLY) = RIDONKULOUS! Getting 54 centimeters (approx. 22 inches) of snow in about 24 hours = RIDONKULOUS! Use this word in a sentence today! Try and use it; it may feel a little weird at first, but will become one of your favorite words.

Here is the perfect example of when the use of the word is totally appropriate...check out Kelli Pickler (from American Idol) on Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? = Ridonkulous!

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